Digestive Disease Week (DDW), 2025
Global meeting for physicians, researchers, and industry in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, and gastrointestinal surgery.
U.S. Medical
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The true incidence and prevalence of SBS in the US are unknown due to its rarity, potential under-reporting, and the lack of reliable patient databases.6,7
Patients with SBS comprise a heterogeneous population with varying etiologies that may differ between adults and children.8 The most common causes of SBS in adults include postoperative complications, mesenteric ischemia, and Crohn’s disease.8 In pediatric patients, the most common causes of SBS are congenital and perinatal diseases.9
The loss of functioning intestinal surface area in SBS results in decreased absorption of macronutrients, fluid and/or electrolytes wherein health and/or growth is unable to be maintained with a conventional diet and intravenous (IV) supplementation is required.5
Following extensive intestinal resection, structural and functional changes in the remaining intestine may occur to absorb more nutrients and fluid through a natural compensatory process called intestinal adaptation.10-12 This process is encouraged by the presence of nutrients in the gut lumen and the release of gut-related hormones—notably glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1, GLP-2 and growth hormone. Intestinal adaptation can facilitate weaning patients from parenteral nutrition and IV fluid support.12 However, this process is affected by several factors, including a patient’s clinical status and remnant anatomy.12, 13
Presentation of typical signs and symptoms leading to suspicion of SBS may be confirmed by medical history and/or imaging to confirm bowel length as well as assessments of vitamin, nutrient, and electrolyte levels.14
Patients with SBS may experience complications related directly to the disease, as the result of fluid/electrolyte imbalance and malnutrition, and complications associated with parenteral nutrition.15 Along with physical limitations, SBS is associated with decreased health-related quality of life and increased morbidity and mortality in adult and pediatric patients.16-19
Global meeting for physicians, researchers, and industry in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, and gastrointestinal surgery.
Annual global conference for interdisciplinary, clinical nutrition leaders, providing the latest in clinical nutrition research, education, and products.
Premier global educational event for allergists and immunologists, with thousands of attendees each year, discussing allergies, asthma, and immune deficiency disorders.
Annual global congress structured around basic science, traditional medicine and clinical sessions given by some of the world's top GI specialists.
Annual conference for a multidisciplinary community of practitioners and researchers focusing on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) by pairing best practices in clinical care with innovative research.
An all-encompassing event providing real-world clinical education, case studies and new evidence-based approaches in IBD management.
Annual forum for participants to learn about the latest advances in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition, and to discuss current topics in clinical applications.
The conference program centers on the importance of scientific evidence in understanding and improving the health and well-being of people across the globe.
Annual forum for participants to learn about the latest advances in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition, and to discuss current topics in clinical applications.
Premier event for clinicians and the general public about digestive disorders and the latest trends in GI technology and therapeutics.
Global meeting featuring thought leaders from around the world focused on advancing patient care in allergy and immunology.
Annual event with more than 2,500 members and non-members of the AMCP to engage on the latest innovations and most intentional networking in managed care pharmacy.
Annual event dedicated to excellence in clinical pharmacy practice, research, and education.
Global congress for researchers from around the world to present their findings on gastroenterology and digestive health.
Global meeting designed to bring together international and national experts in the multidisciplinary care of the intestinal failure patient.
Conference specifically designed by advanced practice providers (APPs) for the purpose of meeting the educational needs of APPs who specialize in the management of patients with GI disorders and chronic liver disease.
Annual congress to improve global health by advancing the frontiers of
clinical pharmacology
Annual global congress dedicated to clinical nutrition and metabolism, including basic and clinical research, education, and organization of consensus statements about clinical care.
Global meeting for physicians, researchers, and industry in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy, and gastrointestinal surgery.
Leading global conference discussing how to establish, incentivize, and share value sustainable for health systems, patients, and technology developers.
Large assembly of pharmacy and healthcare professionals dedicated to the issues of managed care pharmacy, offering immersive education sessions and keynote presentations.
International meeting concerning the field of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders, including EoE and other eosinophilic diseases.
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